Strip Grazing | My Shetland

Strip Grazing | My Shetland

The track is being eaten down faster than the grass is growing.  I am in a conundrum.  I want there to be enough grass for the ponies to eat, but not enough for them to get laminitis.

Some parts of the track have become quite eroded – first mud, and now dust.  Albie is coughing and I don’t like that either.

So today, I pulled back the fence to give the ponies a large corner of grass to eat and I told myself that this is like strip grazing a field. I also told Tiddles that he is absolutel NOT to give himself laminitis and everyone must all still keep moving around the track.

After the initial feast of grass, they did move off and round the track, so I felt a bit more encouraged and hope that my new plan will work.  I intend to add little bits for them to eat as and when I feel they need it.

Sometimes I feel that I can’t do right for doing wrong and I know that, if I had the strength to poo-pick, the track would probably hold up better but poo-picking is a surefire way to be the end of me.  It is too big a task so it won’t be done.

On a good note, though, that one strand of electric wire at precisely the correct height, even for Newt’s little Machiavellian mind, is proving enough to keep everyone where I want them.

It is strongly zapping away, so that might be why.  I can tell everyone knows what the wire is all about and they all have a very healthy respect for it.  Quite right too!

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Strip Grazing | My Shetland

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