Snow Gone | My Shetland

Snow Gone | My Shetland

The snow has just about all gone now. It went overnight with the rain and so we are back to our deep mud!

The Minions came up from their “snow” field for their breakfast happily now in a routine, which I would very much like them to forget.  After a bucket of nothing, I told them to clear up their last meal.

Good old Waffle saw personally to it that he did (it was a request, Waffle, not a challenge!)

The rest had eaten themselves to a standstill.

This is their last day here.  I will put the herd back to Leradale tomorrow as the snow is not coming back.

….. (she types while silently praying to the Weather Gods).

The ground is completely saturated and the mud, well, you have no idea just how much mud we have.  My jury is still out on Albie, Tiddles and Storm, however. I will decide tomorrow. They may end up staying here until the farrier appears (February, I think) and makes his verdict on their feet.  I would hate to undo all the good we have achieved.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Snow Gone | My Shetland

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