Mostly Storm | My Shetland

Mostly Storm | My Shetland

Storm was having a snooze this morning.

He wanted to get up but……

….. the sun was shining and, you know how it is, he was feeling more and more woozy…..

I love it when ponies lie out flat.

Can you hear the snoring?


The others were about having eaten themselves to a standstill on their morning haynets.

Others were still determinedly eating.

I refuse to worry about their weight but am well aware we are now approaching the “Autumn flush” which is when the grass is highest in sugar/carbohydrates and at its most dangerous to fat little laminitic-prone ponios.

They will stay on the track until we are past this danger.

Having said that, I think Vitamoobag is looking spot on – really good, just right.  For 30 years old, she’s not doing bad.  Apparently that is the equivalent of 90 in human years.  Blimey!

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Mostly Storm | My Shetland

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