Not much today because I am mostly not able to communicate easily.
And I found that Pepper has a new “spot” – *** sigh *** – is nowhere out of bounds?
But it is deal for looking out at the world (playing spot the birdies)….
….. and/or it doubles as a dog bed (that can’t be comfortable, can it?)
Monster was comfortable in his woolly bed.
Very happy and snoozing having now left a pile of white fur on my iPad – more sighing.
And so I left to go to work at Turriefield. Today was vegetable packing to get it sorted, weighed, bagged and labelled for the shops.
There was a lot of everything, including beans (poor Heike!) but we all pitched in.
I took a bag of celery tops home for the ponies. They were very happy.
Beds and Veg | My Shetland