A Day of Shite | My Shetland

A Day of Shite | My Shetland

The weather is pretty horrid here and I spent the day swithering about whether to put rugs on the old ladies and Tiddles.  Part of me thought it was not that cold (around 13 degrees but lower with the wind-chill) and the ponies do need to grow their winter coats, and then there is the part of me that feels so sorry for them huddled and looking miserable in the rain and gale-force wind.

At lunchtime, I was strong but then I gave in and rushed out with the rugs for Fivla, Vitamoobag and Tiddles.

I think the ponies were grateful as they didn’t object and walk off while I was fighting with the straps in the F8 wind.

Hopefully at the end of the month, I have two 20′ shipping containers arriving  and these will be used as field-shelters for the ponies. First, I have to get the ground dug out, levelled with hard-core/quarry waste put down.  My aim is to make our lives easier in winter.

Everyone will be very happy to help with the building/construction work – now, why am I suddenly imagining small ponies wandering around with little yellow hard hats on?


So while my vivid imagination was working over-time, I put out more haynets as fibre = equine central heating.

I did a quick walk round the croft just to check if all the sheep had come home (they can scoot under fences in certain places) and found this lot sheltering.

It really is a nasty day, today.  Apparently it might stop raining next week sometime.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

A Day of Shite | My Shetland

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