Bat Walk in the Valley

Bat Walk in the Valley


A big thank you to Kelly
Sheldrick from the WA Bat Network for hosting an incredibly interesting and
informative event at the Sanctuary on Sunday the 15th of September.

We were
excited to identify four different bat species on our walk in the Valley’s
forest using bat detectors, and learn so much about bat ecology and




 The bat species recorded in the
Sanctuary forest were:

– white striped freetail bat
(this is the one you can hear without a detector)

– southern forest bat

– Gould’s wattled bat

– a long eared bat species (it
could be one of three species, but difficult to separate acoustically)


Be sure to head to the WA Bat
Network Facebook page to learn about the importance of bats and what you can do to
help our bat friends! 


Bat Walk in the Valley

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