Work Cut Out | My Shetland

Work Cut Out | My Shetland

This afternoon found Floss, me and Monster (and Pepper) in the stable sorting out rugs and tidying up. We are inheriting much of Kolka’s stuff so need to make space.

Daisy, at Christmas, always organised, wrote me a superb spreadsheet for all my rugs, their sizes, colours, make and who they will fit so it was now just a case of putting them in an order where I can easily find them.  Ok, I stuffed most into bags and shoved them where I could find space!

So, that’s what we did.  All tidy, swept up and note the wet Pepper paw prints everywhere. At one stage, I think I possibly swept her up. She is probably in a bag somwhere.

Then, being late afternoon, ie 3pm and the sun almost gone, Floss and I put the vampire ponies outside for the night.

For the night, they get a box of soaked hay and whatever they can find in their field.

And yet….. Waffle still will not lose weight.  I think that pony lives off fresh air.  He looks like a small side table.  The others have lovely waistlines now, which is encouraging.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Work Cut Out | My Shetland

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